There’s a spot in my next Thriving Women’s Leadership Circle for you!
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, managing a team or leading yourself, your investment in yourself is a gift to everyone in your world.
I’ve been leading a group of courageous women to become better humans at work and at home. This circle of women will help you thrive in your circle of influence with self-awareness, love, compassion and humor. Members share life and leadership challenges with each other and are supported through the lens of Conscious Leadership and the Enneagram.
In each monthly meeting, members discover their blind spots, grow their gifts and improve their relationships in all areas of life.
We draw on The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, The Big Leap, and other conscious leadership work to explore the care principles of conscious leadership, including responsibility, curiosity, candor and integrity. We use the wisdom of the Enneagram to spot repeating patterns to shift.
Email me today at [email protected] to schedule a 30-minute chat!
Coaching with Meg and being in the Thriving Women leadership circle has led to profound shifts in my leadership and my life. The conscious leadership principles we practiced in the group are fundamentals in my leadership tool kit, enabling me to strengthen my working relationships, enhance the effectiveness of my team, and confidently take on new challenges.
Workshops for Better Bosses and Happy Teams
Have you noticed yourself repeating the same unhelpful behaviors over and over? Or maybe you find your self in conflict and don’t know why? The Enneagram is an ancient wisdom tool for modern business leadership and life that helps us see our blind spots, learn to pause and then make a change with the skills of Conscious Leadership. Learning your type helps you grow as a leader AND it’s a great way to for team members to get to know each other.
I offer virtual and live classes from lunch and learns to off-site deep dives where we use the Nine Ways of Seeing the World to create team harmony and catalyze personal and professional growth.
Also, follow me on Clubhouse @megdennison for Enneagram and Conscious Leadership rooms. Email me for a Clubhouse invite!
Enneagram Resources
There are many resources on the Enneagram, Here are a few I recommend to clients:
The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st Century Workplace, by Beatrice Chestnut, PhD
The Complete Enneagram, 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge, By Beatrice Chestnut, PhD
The Essential Enneagram, The Definitive Personality Test and Self-Discovery Guide, By David Daniels, MD
The Enneagram in Love and Work, Understanding Your Intimate and Business Relationships, by Helen Palmer
To read about Enneagram types and find and compare your types:
Virtual Classes for Your Team
Self Leadership for a Drama-Free Office
This fun and highly interactive live workshop focuses on skills for creating a drama-free workplace through the core concepts of Conscious Leadership, including emotional intelligence and taking 100 percent responsibility for your actions.
By focusing on self-leadership, this 21st Century model supports everyone in an organization from CEO to intern. You will learn practical tools for self-awareness, which is a critical skill for high-performing leaders and teams. Emotional intelligence is recognized as increasingly important for tightly connected teams and is the foundation of Conscious Leadership.
With this professional development opportunity, you’ll leave knowing:
- Why it can be hard to stay open and curious in conflict or when you’re afraid
- Your personal recipe for being defensive (we all do it!) and why knowing it boosts resilience and ability to get along with others
- The formula for drama at work (and life!), why it repeats and how to stop it
- How to play with drama and specific moves to shift out of it for you and your colleagues
Coach Meg Dennison has taught this workshop around the country and inside organizations. Without fail, people enjoy themselves while learning valuable operating skills for work and life.
Email me at [email protected] to schedule a 30-minute interview to chat.
Four Questions of A Conscious Leader
Join me for a bite-size intro to the essential skill of Conscious Leaders: spotting defensiveness, understanding the cost to yourself and those you work with and moving into a state of curiosity and learning.
- Learn your special sauce of defensiveness that blocks learning, creativity and connection
- Learn the emotional intelligence signs of curiosity and defensiveness
- Test your willingness to change
- Learn three ways to shift into a state of learning
Email me at [email protected] to schedule a 30-minute chat.
Claim Your Genius
Bring your curiosity to this bite-size intro to Genius based on Gay Hendricks’ best-selling book, The Big Leap. When you are in your Genius, whatever you are doing is so effortless that you don’t even know you are doing it (and you might mistakenly believe it comes easily to everyone).
You will learn:
- The four levels of competence and why most of us resist our Genius
- The common false beliefs that keep you stuck in things you do well (and are paid well to do), but you don’t really enjoy
- Three steps you can take right now to spend more time in Genius
Email me at [email protected] to learn more.
Enneagram Master Class
Join me for a free Enneagram master class on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 4 p.m. PT. We’ll be exploring the Nine Types @ Work around conflict!
Link to sign up: SIGN UP NOW