Jan 14, 2015 | Conscious Relationships, One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
Guys — especially married guys — hate dancing, and I am no exception. There are many theories for why this is, but for me, I just felt stupid out there trying to move my limbs to some sort of rhythm. Maybe it was the flashbacks to images of me flailing...
Jan 14, 2015 | Personal Journey
I’m committing to three things in 2015 to become a better lover, partner and husband to my wife: active appreciation, taking responsibility, and telling the truth. I didn’t always do these things, but I’ve discovered a direct correlation to better...
Jan 14, 2015 | Personal Journey
A quick peck on my cheek, as he dashed out to catch the train for long days at work in New York City — that’s how Tim and I parted each day. We came together again in the same way with a greeting that acknowledged we occupied the same space, but left me...
Jan 14, 2015 | Personal Journey
For 365 days, ours was a day-by-day marriage. Once we got serious about re-inventing our relationship, Meg and I got down to the basic proposition: Yes, we love each other; that much we never questioned. But do we really want to be together? Like Lord Voldemort, it is...
Jan 9, 2015 | Committing, Conscious Relationships, One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
By Tim Peek This post also appeared in a joint column Meg and Tim publish in the Huffington Post My path away from marital meltdown began in the smoking pile of rubble that was my final workplace implosion. It was 1 a.m. and after months of 18-hour days launching a...