Jun 8, 2020 | Conscious Leadership, Difficult Conversations
Are you asking the question: HOW am I racist? Adding the HOW to the question, helps me past the yes/no, I am or I’m not part. It helps me as a Conscious Leader to get curious about my own racist behaviors so I can adopt anti-racist behaviors. It’s there...
Oct 20, 2019 | 15 Commitments, Coaching, Difficult Conversations
We’ve all faced a difficult conversation that we know we need to have, the one that’s set our insides churning for days or maybe even longer. We can even feel the cost in our mind and body. Along with churning inside, maybe our thoughts are hijacked and we...
Jun 28, 2019 | Difficult Conversations, Fear, One Choice at a Time
(V X D)+ F.S. > R = Change This is the process that leads to change, whether it’s losing weight or leaving a job you hate. Many of us have a VISION of our future, but it’s too vague to push us out of our comfort zone. That Vision must be multiplied by enough...