Mar 26, 2020 | One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
If virus anxiety has got you, read below for tips on Managing fear Naming your emotions to tame them Focusing on what’s in your control Doubling up on calming practices Join me for free Staying Connected While Staying Apart Zoom calls to learn how to create...
Jun 28, 2019 | Difficult Conversations, Fear, One Choice at a Time
(V X D)+ F.S. > R = Change This is the process that leads to change, whether it’s losing weight or leaving a job you hate. Many of us have a VISION of our future, but it’s too vague to push us out of our comfort zone. That Vision must be multiplied by enough...
Mar 21, 2019 | Conscious Leadership, One Choice at a Time
Meditation doesn’t change the world, but it changes your experience of the world. (So learning how to meditate is world-changing, right?) How do I meditate? In the last few years, for at least 10 minutes a day, I’ve did learn to pay attention to my breath....
Jan 14, 2015 | Conscious Relationships, One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
Guys — especially married guys — hate dancing, and I am no exception. There are many theories for why this is, but for me, I just felt stupid out there trying to move my limbs to some sort of rhythm. Maybe it was the flashbacks to images of me flailing...
Jan 9, 2015 | Committing, Conscious Relationships, One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
By Tim Peek This post also appeared in a joint column Meg and Tim publish in the Huffington Post My path away from marital meltdown began in the smoking pile of rubble that was my final workplace implosion. It was 1 a.m. and after months of 18-hour days launching a...
Dec 1, 2014 | Conscious Relationships, One Choice at a Time, Personal Journey
I don’t know exactly when I decided to ditch my husband, but my plan was to be free of him as soon as our youngest child graduated from high school. Now, a few years later, we’re thriving together in our relationship. I kept quiet about my plan because we...