Stuff and Heart: Two Critical Talks for Great Relationships
So much of what I've learned about great relationships has come from Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. Between the two of them, they have written more than a dozen books on the topic. Tim and I have shared our learnings in our free Relationship Reset talks the last few...
The Antidote for Virus Anxiety Is In You
If virus anxiety has got you, read below for tips on Managing fear Naming your emotions to tame them Focusing on what's in your control Doubling up on calming practices Join me for free Staying Connected While Staying Apart Zoom calls to learn how to create...
Healing the Work/Life Split
I Know That Man On page one of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, the best-selling primer on Conscious Leadership, we meet Tim. He’s overworked, stressed, sleep-deprived and functioning on caffeine and adrenaline. Tim’s highly successful. He’s also an...
Difficult Conversations: A Sweaty 10-Minute Talk
We've all faced a difficult conversation that we know we need to have, the one that's set our insides churning for days or maybe even longer. We can even feel the cost in our mind and body. Along with churning inside, maybe our thoughts are hijacked and we find our...
Trust in Business and Life Relationships: First of Eight Dates
With 35 years together, you’d think that my husband, Tim, and I would know everything about each other. And, I’d say that’s as true as it can be. We’ve created an amazing relationship with conscious loving tools from Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. Their book, Conscious...
My Change Formula Challenge
(V X D)+ F.S. > R = Change This is the process that leads to change, whether it’s losing weight or leaving a job you hate. Many of us have a VISION of our future, but it’s too vague to push us out of our comfort zone. That Vision must be multiplied by enough...
Change The World In 10 Minutes A Day: Meditate
Meditation doesn't change the world, but it changes your experience of the world. (So learning how to meditate is world-changing, right?) How do I meditate? In the last few years, for at least 10 minutes a day, I've did learn to pay attention to my breath. And when my...
Your Enneagram Type: Self-Awareness Tool for Conscious Leaders
By Meg Dennison Becoming a conscious leader asks you to become self-aware. Knowing your Enneagram type helps you understand yourself. Welcoming feedback and learning your recipe for reactivity are two of the three essential practices to self-awareness for conscious...
Conscious Leaders Make Friends with All Kinds of Feedback
By Meg Dennison What comes to mind when you hear the word feedback? Performance reviews at work, your spouse’s criticism, a comment about your dating life or your colleague’s unhappiness with the last project you managed? They are all feedback, and since we are...
Become A Conscious Leader: Start with Your Breath
By Meg Dennison Becoming a conscious leader is a journey of self-awareness. Leaders who notice when they're getting triggered and know how to stop themselves can reclaim their inner balance. Reactivity comes from fear The same primal reaction that saved our ancestors...